

Do you miss having bold, thick eyebrows? Do you find yourself filling in your eyebrows every day just to make them look natural? If so, consider microblading to return your eyebrows to their youthful, most beautiful look.

Microblading, our most popular service line, is achieved using a hand tool to deposit pigment into the epidermis and create hair-like strokes. The color lies close to your skin’s surface, meaning strokes will appear crisp and fine. This technique helps define eyebrow shape while complementing your unique facial features.


Frequent Questions and Answers

Microblading, unlike permanent makeup, is not done with a machine. The microblading hand tool is equipped with incredibly fine sterile needles. The blade glides gently over the skin, leaving hair-like strokes. This technique creates real and natural-looking results.

Microblading is beneficial for people who are unhappy with their eyebrows’ size, color, fullness and shape. Microblading can also help people suffering from alopecia, as well as those with trigonometrical or other conditions which cause hair loss.

Microblading is not appropriate for people who:

  • Have heart disease, or are using heart medications
  • Have skin diseases or inflammations
    Have an allergy to lidocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine
  • Are on blood-thinning medications
  • Have keloids, birthmarks or moles or whose skin tends to result in keloid scarring

Additional restrictions regarding microblading include:

  • Must wait two weeks after receiving a deep tan or chemical peel
  • Must wait two months after receiving Botox
  • Must wait six months after ceasing use of strong retinoids, including Accutane
  • People with diabetes, serious medical conditions or people who are pregnant or nursing
  • Anyone who has old permanent makeup must complete an in-person consultation or send a recent picture before an appointment can be scheduled

Microblading is done in two sessions. We shape and style the eyebrows during the first session — between numbing the skin, drawing the eyebrows and completing the microblading procedure, this typically takes two hours. Four to six weeks later, the client will return for a touch-up session, which will generally take one hour.

Here’s a step-by-step look at the microblading process:

  • The client and artist will discuss expectations and treatment results.
  • The artist will draw the eyebrow shape to perfectly complement the client’s unique face shape/size and facial symmetry. We will not move forward until the client is happy with the final drawing.
  • A perfect eyebrow color is chosen to complement the client’s skin tone and hair color.
  • A topical anesthetic is applied to reduce patient discomfort, and initial hair strokes are placed.
  • Pigment is worked into each stroke to define the brow, and a pigment mask is left to absorb into the skin.
  • The area is thoroughly cleaned, and the artist will apply a healing ointment to infuse moisture and provide a protective barrier.

The discomfort level is relatively minor, though the procedure may have a greater effect on people with sensitive skin. Many clients compare the discomfort level to plucking a few eyebrow hairs at once. To ease discomfort, we apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area being worked on.

Proper procedural and precautionary measures are in place to ensure client safety, including using sterilized and/or disposable tools. When pre- and post-care instructions are correctly followed, the risk of complications are minimal. Allergic reactions to pigments are very rare, but sometimes occur. For this reason, a pigment patch test can be performed on people with:

  • Sensitive skin
  • Allergies to topical makeups, gold, silver, nickel or hair dyes

Please let your artist know in advance if any of the above applies to you.

Your eyebrows will heal in 8-10 days. Redness will fade during this time, and the eyebrows will begin to lighten to a more natural color. The color may continue to lighten over 30 days as the pigment sets in.

Your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing process. Your healed color can only be assessed 3-4 weeks after treatment. Touchups and/or correction of the shape/design is recommended 4-6 weeks after initial treatment. 

Immediately after the procedure, the pigment will appear very sharp and dark. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin and has not yet settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften slowly. Please don’t be alarmed if you see some pigment on cotton swabs when cleaning your brows. This is simply the excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin.

Once the skin begins to heal, dry skin flakes will appear. This is a natural process to expel superficial color and dry skin.

Your eyebrows will appear the lightest 5-12 days following the procedure as color is absorbed into deeper skin layers. Skin cells will eventually push the color back up onto top layers. Once healing is complete, you will enjoy a pair of beautiful, new, natural-looking eyebrows.

Yes. Touchups are scheduled 4-6 weeks following the initial procedure. Everyone heals differently, and outcomes vary. Sometimes it’s necessary to adjust the color and brow thickness by adding more strokes. In the touchup session, final adjustments are made for the best possible results and to ensure the client’s satisfaction.

No. The healing process needs to be complete before gauging results. Final adjustments should only be made after the initial work has healed properly.

Keep in mind that faces and eyebrows are never perfectly symmetrical, so it’s important to discuss your expectations and desired shape, style and color with your artist. Once the procedure is complete, very few changes, including adding more strokes and addressing pigment discoloration, can be made. Touchups are incredibly important in ensuring the longevity of the procedure and achieving the best possible results.

Microblading generally lasts 6-18 months. Varied factors will affect the life of the procedure, including age, skin type, lifestyle and level of care post-procedure. Remember: microblading is not permanent like a tattoo, as pigments are not implanted deep into the skin.